Honoring God – Psalm 71:8 – Daily Encouraging Word

5 Sep

Honoring God

“I am always praising you; all day long I honor you.”  Psalm 71:8

Whom will you choose to honor today?  If you honor God and place Him at the center of your life, every day is a cause for celebration.  But, if you fail to honor your Heavenly Father, you’re asking for trouble and lot’s of it!

At times, your life is probably very hectic, demanding and complicated.  When the demands of life leave you rushing from place to place with scarcely a moment to spare, you may fail to pause and thank your Creator for the blessings He has bestowed upon you.  But that’s a BIG mistake.  So honor God for who He is and what He has done for you.  And don’t just honor Him on Sunday morning.  Praise Him all day long, every day, for as long as you live….and then for all of eternity!

Jesus Loves YOU!


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