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Your Redeemer Lives – Daily Devotional

27 Mar

Your Redeemer Lives - Daily Devotional

Your Redeemer Lives

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For I know that my Redeemer lives, and at the last he will stand upon the earth. And after my skin has been thus destroyed, yet in my flesh I shall see God, whom I shall see for myself, and my eyes shall behold, and not another. My heart faints within me! Job 19:25-27

Job is the oldest book in the bible except for the beginning of Genesis. Wealth in this book was still measured in livestock. Even then Job already knew that there was life beyond the natural, and that after his skin was destroyed, he would yet see God with his own eyes. When he went through horrible circumstances, like losing his ten children, all of his wealth, and his health, he still clung to this hope, and it was all restored.

Know today, that whatever this life hands you, there is something beyond that. This life is temporary and not the final destination. For believers, death is not the end. Lift up your head up and have hope today because Your Redeemer Lives and nothing can change that.

Jesus Wept – General Thoughts

27 Mar

Jesus Wept - General Thoughts

Jesus wept. – John 11:35

This is the shortest scripture in the entire Bible and by far one of the most profound and unique scriptures. It has driven controversy of why Jesus wept since obviously He was (is) the Messiah. After all, he healed the sick, gave the blind sight, cast out demons but yet He cries over a man who has died, can’t He raise him from the dead. So why is He crying? But here we see how truly we are one with Jesus and Jesus is one with us. Jesus wept not because He deeply loved Lazarus, not because He couldn’t raise him from the dead. He wept because He felt what his sisters and the Jews felt. He was moved by their emotion, saddened as well. This two word sentence seems so simple but yet it is so deep because it shows us that Jesus is you, Jesus is me, Jesus is us! He feels what we feels, He cries when we cry, He laughs when we laugh, He feels joy when we feel joy! So don’t ever feel like Jesus isn’t with you, He. Don’t say Jesus doesn’t understand, He does! Don’t say Jesus doesn’t know, He does! He will cry with you, and then He will wipe your tears away. Remember weeping may last for a night, but joy comes in the morning (Psalm 30:5).

Jesus Loves You!!

The Little Seed – Daily Devotional

26 Mar

The Little Seed - Daily Devotional† The Little Seed †

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“Hear then the parable of the sower: 19 When anyone hears the word of the kingdom and does not understand it, the evil one comes and snatches away what has been sown in his heart. Matt. 13:18

Once while praying about something, I felt like I heard a reply back from the Lord, encouraging me to go ahead with what I was praying about. But immediately afterwards came doubt, unbelief and a feeling like that’s not God, just your imagination. So I prayed about it again to be safe and this scripture came to me very clearly.

God’s word starts as a little seed, but as you believe it, will grow into something beautiful. When the Lord speaks something to your heart the enemy comes immediately to cast doubt, unbelief and confusion on you. It is an attempt to stop the positive effects that God intended. Rather than you stepping out into what God has for you, the enemy wants to kill your dream before it takes root, and before it gets started.

When you pray and get a positive response, believe, hang onto it, and step out in to what God has for you. If afterwards you have feelings of doubt and fear, you can bet that the enemy is trying to thwart God’s plan for you by holding you back. Do not let the enemy take away what God has in store for you.

Fly Like an Eagle – Daily Devotional

25 Mar

Fly Like An Eagle - Daily Devotional

Fly Like An Eagle

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He was like an eagle hovering over its nest, overshadowing its young, Then spreading its wings, lifting them into the air, teaching them to fly. Deut 32:11

When an eagle has its young, it lines the inside of its nest with feathers, fur and other soft material to make the little ones comfortable in the nest. The parents hunt and bring food to feed them. But when they grow and get mature enough to fly on their own, the parents start pulling the fur out of the nest, exposing the sticks and making them uncomfortable. They also stop bringing food, or bring food but place it on a limb outside of the nest so the eaglets have to come out of the nest to get it.

Sometimes the Lord will make your situation uncomfortable. No matter where you turn, or how hard you pray, the sticks are still there, and you are starving. When this happens it is time to fly. It is often hard to tell which to do, but rest assured that He will be there to catch you if you fall.

Dads – Daily Devotional

24 Mar

Dads - Daily Devotional


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If you then, who are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father who is in heaven give good things to those who ask him! Matt. 7:11

Many people have a problem trusting, or even drawing near to our heavenly Father because their own earthly father mistreated them, abused them, abandoned them, or made them feel worthless.

I had the world’s greatest Dad. He has passed on now, but he was always there, and always wanted the best for us, and to the letter, if he told you something he would do it, good or bad. And he always taught us that we could do anything that we set our mind to do. Build a house, rebuild an engine, it was all possible, and he would take the time to show you how.

Our heavenly Father is all of that and so much more with none of the bad. He is always there for us. He only wants the best for us all the time. He will help us, teach us, and give us the resources to fulfill our dreams, and if you don’t have a dream He will give you one of those to. He rejoices in our victories and loves to see us over come the obstacles in our life. Our Father loves us.

Your Testimony – Daily Devotional

23 Mar

Your Testimony - Daily Devotional

Your Testimony

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Beloved, do not be surprised at the fiery trial when it comes upon you to test you, as though something strange were happening to you. 13 But rejoice insofar as you share Christ’s sufferings, that you may also rejoice and be glad when his glory is revealed. 1Pet. 4:12

I have a testimony that I share sometimes where the Lord gave me a horrible job in a plant polishing brass and sweeping the floor. But within a year I was the manager, and everyone there was saved. When I went to church, I filled my entire row with guests. The pastor loved me. If I had not lost my previous job I would not have this testimony.

Unless a test comes, there is no testimony. Testimony, witness, a matter of fact, are things that come from experience. These are the things you can stand on when the going gets tough. Things that you hear from others help, but the things that you have lived are your testimony and will help you, and others.

When you look at what Jesus has already brought you through, you know that He will bring you through this as well. Know that the Lord will turn your test into a testimony, and that the things that you now suffer will work out for your own good.

God Provides for His People – Daily Devotional

22 Mar

God Provides for His People - Daily Devotional

† God Provides for His People †
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I have been young, and now am old, yet I have not seen the righteous forsaken or his children begging for bread. Psa. 37:25

David had been through a lot since the Lord had Samuel anoint him as a young boy. He then ran from Saul who was jealous of him, for years. At thirty he became a wealthy king and then he reigned for forty years. During that time he wrote that not once did he ever see the righteous forsaken, or his children begging for bread.

If you serve God He will take care of you. The things that you suffer will be for your own development. Every child needs discipline and we are no different, but God provides for His people.

The Money Pit – Daily Devotional

22 Mar

The Money Pit - Daily Devotional

† The Money Pit †
Receive Daily Devotional at the people of Israel did what was evil in the sight of the LORD. They forgot the LORD their God and served the Baals and the Asheroth. Judg. 3:7
I used to read the Bible and wonder how people could worship idols, it seemed so foreign to me and distant. But as I grew older the Lord revealed to me that we still do it every day. Baal is the god of materialism, and money. Asheroth is the god of sex and fertility. Thousands of years later most of the world still chase these two, and christians are not immune. It seems to be our default mode. But they both end in emptiness without Jesus to bring balance, and one taken to the extreme is as bad as the other.There is nothing wrong with money or sex, but it cannot be the most important thing in your life or it will become a snare to you, as no one can serve two masters. If you have been caught in this trap just start putting God first in your life each day, and before long all the other things will fall into place automatically.The Money Pit - Daily Devotional

Today I stay at your House – Daily Devotional

22 Mar

Today I stay at your House - Daily Devotional

† Today I Stay at Your House †
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And behold, there was a man named Zacchaeus. He was a chief tax collector and was rich. 3 And he was seeking to see who Jesus was, but on account of the crowd he could not, because he was small in stature. 4 So he ran on ahead and climbed up into a sycamore tree to see him, for he was about to pass that way. 5 And when Jesus came to the place, he looked up and said to him, “Zacchaeus, hurry and come down, for I must stay at your house today. Luke 19:1

Tax collectors were the lowest of the low in Israel at this time, hated by everyone, even sinners, and Zacchaeus was a chief tax collector. When Jesus came to town it was so crowded with people that he could not see Him because he was a short man, so he ran ahead and climbed up in a tree for a better view. Jesus passed by crowds of people to get to one that was desperate. He could just have easily eaten at a priest’s house.

You may feel like you are standing in the back of the line, unnoticed, and disliked by everyone around you. But the Lord will pass by a thousand people to get to the one that wants to see Him more than the rest.

A Light House – Daily Devotional

22 Mar

A Light House - Daily Devotional

A Light House

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Arise, shine, for your light has come, and the glory of the LORD has risen upon you. 2 For behold, darkness shall cover the earth, and thick darkness the peoples; but the LORD will arise upon you, and his glory will be seen upon you. 3 And nations shall come to your light, and kings to the rightness of your rising. Is. 60:1

A small candle sitting out in the sunlight at mid-day is hardly noticeable. But if you were to look at the same candle in black darkness it would seem bright. As the world grows darker your light will shine brighter and brighter in the world surrounding you.

For some people, YOU are the only light they will see, and God will use you to draw them. You may think that your light is a small flicker, but to someone in darkness, you may be the only light house they see.

Promotion Comes From the Lord – Daily Devotional

22 Mar

Promotion comes from the Lord - Daily Devotional

† Promotion Comes From the Lord †

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For promotion cometh neither from the east, nor from the west, nor from the south. 7 But God is the judge: he putteth down one, and setteth up another. Psa. 75:6 KJV

During a time of revival in my own life I fasted and prayed hard that the Lord would remove anything that was keeping me from being closer to Him. Within two weeks of praying this I was laid off from my cushy foreman job and found myself on unemployment. When it looked like I could no longer pay the bills I managed to get a job in a factory running a machine and sweeping the floor. My salary went from $17 per hour to $6 and I came home black as smut every day. The boss never promoted anyone, and if you started in that position you pretty much died there. Several people, including him, did not like me because I was “different”.

I did nothing special, but just tried to pray a lot and work hard and then it all happened so fast. In three months, the foreman quit and I was promoted to his position with a raise. In six months the manager was fired and I was promoted to his position with another raise.

Can you be promoted right where you are even if your boss hates you? Absolutely, the Lord may give you their job. Nothing on earth can hold you back from what God has for you, except you.

If My People – Daily Devotional

22 Mar

If My People - Daily Devotional† If My People †

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if my people who are called by my name humble themselves, and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and heal their land. 2Chr. 7:14

I saw a cartoon once about tech support, and time the technician answered the telephone he said to the customer calling: “Your problem is with another company’s products or services.” Without hearing, knowing, or caring what the problem was.

As Christians, we often try to pass the buck onto the world. It is someone else’s fault that we are in this situation, when actually we are trapped in a pit that we dug for ourselves. There is only one way out of the pit: That we turn to God, humble ourselves, and pray and He promises that He will hear from heaven, turn, and heal our land. Whether we caused it or not, we have the answer.

Can Christians prosper in a fallen world? Absolutely!

You’re in Good Hands with Jesus – Daily Devotional

22 Mar

You're In Good Hands with Jesus - Daily Devotional

† You’re in Good Hands with Jesus †
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My Father, who has given them to me, is greater than all, and no one is able to snatch them out of the Father’s hand. John 10:28

Jesus said that no one will snatch you from the Father’s hand. You are perfectly safe there. But we can crawl out of it ourselves if we choose to go our own way. As long as you just keep putting one foot in front of the other, no power on earth can stop you as the Father is mightier than all. It is when we choose to do it our self that we get into trouble. Following the “I did it my way” path.

Involve God in your daily life by asking Him to be a part of it. Have no fear of what the enemy can do to you. No one can snatch you out of your Father’s hand.

Unchained – Daily Devotional

21 Mar

Unchained - Daily Devotional

† Unchained †
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And when he was in distress, he entreated the favor of the LORD his God and humbled himself greatly before the God of his fathers. 13 He prayed to him, and God was moved by his entreaty and heard his plea and brought him again to Jerusalem into his kingdom. Then Manasseh knew that the LORD was God. 2Chr. 33:12-13

Manasseh was the most wicked king Judah had ever seen. He reigned for fifty-five years and built altars to baal, asheroth, worshipped the stars, burned his own children as a sacrifice to pagan gods, dealt in fortune-telling, sorcery, mediums and necromancers, made carved idols and placed them in God’s temple, and filled Israel with innocent blood from one end to the other. He refused to listen to the Lord and finally God gave him and Judah to Assyria, who put him in chains and took him captive. Even after all the evil that Manasseh had done, when he got into a jam and called out to God, he was spared and brought back to his kingdom.

No matter what your past is today, if you humbly ask God to help you, He will. Even if you find yourself bound in well-deserved chains, He will set you free. It is not because you deserve it, it is because He is good. God will never give up on you, in fact, He will use your past as your testimony and you will lead others out of their own darkness.

The Roller Coaster – Daily Devotional

21 Mar

The Roller Coaster - Daily Devotional

† The Roller Coaster †

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After many days the word of the LORD came to Elijah, in the third year, saying, “Go, show yourself to Ahab, and I will send rain upon the earth.” 1Kings 18:1

I remember some friends once got me on a roller coaster. We waited for all to board and then it started slowly climbing up and up the rails. After a pretty long wait it crossed the crest of the hill and the real ride began. It was pretty boring until it started and then oh my…

Elijah waited for three years, just waiting, waiting, and then waiting some more. But when the Lord spoke this scripture to him, within hours, he had a showdown with 950 false prophets, caused fire to come down from heaven, executed the false prophets, turned Israel back to the Lord, caused it to rain when it had not for three years, and out ran a chariot back to town. I think he had crossed the top of the hill and was hanging on for dear life at that point.

Don’t give up on God during the hill climb. When His plan finally comes together it can move really fast and you can be racing just to stay up with Him.

Packed with good things, Jesus Satisfies – Daily Devotional

21 Mar

Packed with good things, Jesus Satisfies - Daily Devotional

† Packed with good things, Jesus Satisfies †
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For he satisfies the longing soul, and the hungry soul he fills with good things. Psa. 107:9

There are so many things in this life that promise, or would appear to offer satisfaction, but they all fall far short of truly satisfying you inside. Temporary pleasures offer temporary satisfaction, and often with repercussions. Buying something new is satisfying, but then you have to pay for it. You can eat a good meal but soon you will be hungry again. Sex is good by nature, but with the wrong one disastrous, either way you are soon empty again. You can marry the most wonderful person on earth, but if you live long enough you will be alone again. There is no lasting satisfaction, outside of Jesus.

Jesus can satisfy your deepest innermost need and fill that empty spot where something has been missing, with something that will last for eternity and can never be taken away. The closer that I can walk with God the more satisfying my life is. And when I start to become distanced, I become unhappy. I am astounded by the love that He has for us and how perfect His plans come together in our lives when we make Him a part of it. Seek Jesus. He Satisfies.

A Fresh Start – Daily Devotional

21 Mar

A Fresh Start - Daily Devotional

A Fresh Start

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Jesus stood up and said to her, “Woman, where are they? Has no one condemned you?” 11 She said, “No one, Lord.” And Jesus said, “Neither do I condemn you; go, and from now on sin no more.” John 8:11
One day Jesus was teaching in the temple and the religious leaders brought a woman in and stood her in front of the crowd who had been caught in the very act of adultery, and asked Him what they should do because the law said to stone her.

They just wanted to trap Him in His words so they could accuse Him later. Jesus bent down and wrote on the ground and said Let him who is without sin, cast the first stone. And they all left, from the oldest to the youngest, until they were alone.

Basically, everyone there was guilty of sin, and it would just be one sinner stoning another sinner. Jesus did not condemn her for her past, but instead told her to go and sin no more.

People will look down on you. The Lord Jesus does not. If you have a checkered past, just let it be in the past. Start today fresh, forgiven, and from this day forth, walk with Jesus.

Making up for Lost Time – Daily Devotional

21 Mar

Making up for Lost Time - Daily Devotional

† Making up for Lost Time †
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For you bless the righteous, O LORD; you cover him with favor as with a shield. Psa. 5:12

Once while at Church on a Sunday night the pastor’s wife said that She felt the Lord wanted me to get my G.E.D. as I had left school early to join the work force. I told her that I would look into it and Monday morning went to the Adult Education Center. Though the parking lot was mostly full there was a parking spot in front of the door open. I went in and discussed it with the staff and they explained that I had been out of school a long time. They would test me, teach me what subjects I lacked, prepare me for the test and I should have it within six months to one year.

Tuesday I went back and took the pre-test. There was a parking spot at the front door again. The test seemed easier than I was expecting, I was braced for much worse. I went back Wednesday for the test results to see what I needed to work on. There was a parking space at the front door. The staff greeted me with a strange look and asked: “Have you been studying for this?” And I told them no, I had decided to do it two days ago. They were amazed and told me that I had scored 98% average and needed no improvement on any subject.

The staff then said it is a shame that you did not come last month as they only hold tests twice a year and the next one is this Saturday, but you have to sign up for it one month in advance, and it will be six months before the next one comes around. Then she said, let me call them and ended up faxing my test and scores over to them. She got me approved for the test on Saturday.

Saturday I showed up at the test location. There was a parking spot at the front door open at that building to. I took the test. How far is the earth from the moon? Haven’t a clue… got it right! I was one of the first to finish the test and when I returned to Church Sunday I had completed my G.E.D. from start to finish in one week. After that the Lord had me start college. He had plans bigger than mine, and though I had wrecked them He gave me divine favor to correct it.

Do you ever feel like you will never make up for those years that you lost? That you wrecked His plan for you? God’s divine favor can make up for lost time. People that love God can rocket past the normal.

The Spirit of Heaviness – Daily Devotional

21 Mar

The Spirit of Heaviness - Daily Devotional

† The Spirit of Heaviness †
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To appoint unto them that mourn in Zion, to give unto them beauty for ashes, the oil of joy for mourning, the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness; that they might be called trees of righteousness, the planting of the LORD, that he might be glorified. Is. 61:3

There are many things in this verse but the one I want to mention especially is the Spirit of Heaviness, better known as depression. It can settle on anyone given the right circumstances and none of us are immune to it. Just one phone call can wreck our world. Have you ever felt so down, so lethargic, so what’s the point of it all, so “Heavy” in spirit?

Once I went to an exhilarating praise and worship conference that lasted a couple of days. I really got into it and for days after this I felt so “light”, like walking on air and without a care in the world.

Praise and depression are polar opposites and repel each other. If you are down, depressed, heavy, you will not feel like praising the Lord. If you are praising the Lord you will not feel like being depressed. If you are feeling “heavy” today find some good praise and worship music and soak in it for an hour. Begin to praise the Lord and that spirit of heaviness will flee out of hearing range.

Why are you so happy – Daily devotional

21 Mar

Why are You so happy? - Daily Devotional

† Why Are You So Happy? †
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And the disciples were filled with joy and with the Holy Spirit. Acts 13:52

Once while washing my hands at work I had a guy walk by who had a terrible attitude, and say: “Why are you so dang happy all the time?” And though I know it would have been a great time to witness, it surprised me, as I did not realize that I was that happy myself, or that he could see it. I had been listening to the Bible all day on a set of headphones that I had carefully hidden under my hard hat as they were not allowed, and it had started to show outwardly. I had to make a mental note to be more careful and not whistle so much to avoid attracting attention.

The joy of the Lord is your strength (Neh 8:10). I guess it is not surprising that it comes naturally from hearing the Word. As you build strength, the joy is natural result of it. No joy in your life = Weak. Joyful, full of joy = Strong.